Friday, May 3, 2013

Rhodochrosite and Rhodonite

Most folks who know me know how much I love rocks. I recently went to a class that focused on the healing properties of both 'rhodos.' For those of you who are skeptical or who don't have experience with rocks I recommend you get to know a rock or crystal. It's true that we are drawn to the rocks or crystals we need. Rhodo is the Greek word for rose. So I was introduced to Rhodochrosite by my dad. He gave me his rock collection and there was a beautiful slab of Rhodochrosite in it and I immediately felt drawn to it. It's funny because the Rhodochrosite was my dad's rock and for Christmas this year I gave him Rhodonite. At the time I didn't know that they had some similarities. Personally I feel more drawn to Rhodochrosite than Rhodonite but they both soothe anxiety issues. Here is a picture I took of the rocks. The Rhodochrosite is on the left (polished) and on the right (the slab) and the Rhodonite is the rock on the top and bottom.

My favorite the Rhodochrosite is good for acute anxiety and has an affinity for the heart and liver. It opens your heart to love. My favorite rock book is The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall. In it she says, "This is a stone that insists you face the truth, about yourself and other people, without excuses or evasion but with loving awareness" (245). This is why I love this rock.

Rhodonite is better for long standing chronic anxiety issues and it has an affinity for the heart, lungs and the kidney. It helps anchor the heart.  I learned in the class that in Chinese Medicine anxiety is due to not having enough heart blood. This rock calms and seals the leakage of Qi, which is life force, and helps with sealing any drafts in the heart. Any chronic vulnerability creates chronic anxiety. This is fascinating to me, and makes sense!

This is just a snippet of info on these rocks. I encourage you to get out there and find the rocks that speak to you! I'd also like to know your experience with either one or both of these rocks.

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