Thursday, May 16, 2013

Love for Lemon Balm

Lemon balm in my mind is such a common herb but one that is good for so many things. Lately I've been stressed and my body has felt under attack with cold symptoms and a herpes outbreak.  So I have turned to lemon balm and I'm so glad I have. It is a nervine that has antiviral and antiseptic properties. Also in case you didn't know it's a member of the mint family. I tinctured my lemon balm last year with much success. In fact it surprised me with just how good and useful it is. I love lemon balm!

Here is a list of things it's good for:
Stress relief
High blood pressure
Eases PMS
General exhaustion
Stomach distress
Gas pains
Herpes (both cold sores and genital herpes)
Lemon balm is beautiful and amazing. Lately in addition to taking my daily tincture I've also been making tea. I just go out cut some of the plant and boil it for several minutes maybe like 7. I sweeten it with honey and I swear it has been such a comfort to have in times of stress and deadlines. It is also easy to find and and easy to grow. Next time stress happens call on lemon balm. She won't let you down!

Here a couple more pictures from my garden.


  1. Great post! I just bought some lemon balm tea and it says on the box that it may cause drowsiness. Have you found that to be the case?

    1. I take lemon balm tincture at night for a restful sleep and I have boiled large quantities as a tea and sipped throughout the day. It relaxes me but not to the point of sleepiness. Everybody's response to lemon balm will be individual so my suggestion is to try it and see what you think. Good luck! I'm happy you are getting to know this herb. I suggest you try growing fresh lemon balm too. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to grow.
